Mole Removal Columbus, Ohio | Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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Mole Removal Columbus, Ohio


Cosmetic Mole Removal Surgery By Trusted Professionals

We understand that moles can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness for some patients. 这就是为什么我们提供无癌服务 在俄亥俄州的哥伦布市进行了去痣手术 — a straightforward, in-office procedure that is safe, effective and requires little-to-no downtime. Our team also performs skin tag removal if requested.


皮赘和痣去除专家Stacie Isler

Meet 史黛西·艾斯勒,宾州大学: Our Mole Removal Expert

Mole removal is a simple procedure that is performed in our office by our experienced provider, 史黛西·艾斯勒,宾州大学. The procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to complete depending on the size, 痣的深度和位置. Stacie uses an excision method to remove the blemish; instead of freezing the mole, removal is done with a laser or a surgical-grade scalpel. She is conscious of how the area will look after the mole is gone and uses her precision to greatly minimize the possibility of scarring.

一旦痣被成功摘除, bioabsorbable stitches will be placed to close the treated area and the area will be sterilized once again.


  • The mole is causing physical discomfort or irritation, such as itching or bleeding.
  • The mole is located in an area where it is frequently bumped or rubbed, 增加受伤或感染的风险.
  • 痣的大小变了, shape or color, which may indicate a potential skin cancer or pre-cancerous lesion.*
  • The mole is cosmetically undesirable, affecting the person’s self-esteem or confidence.


Like any surgical procedure, mole removal may leave a scar. However, Stacie uses advanced surgical techniques and careful attention to detail to mitigate this risk. In most cases, the scar from mole removal will be barely noticeable or easily concealed with makeup or clothing.

我们也会提供给你一份 定制护肤方案 减少疤痕,促进最佳愈合.

  • 之前的安排: You will first meet with Stacie or another trusted member of our team to discuss your medical history, the details of the procedure and any potential risks or complications.
  • 手术前几天: You may be asked to stop taking certain medications, 比如血液稀释剂, to reduce the risk of bleeding during the procedure.
  • 手术当天你应该穿得舒服些, loose-fitting clothing and avoid wearing makeup or other cosmetic products on or around the treatment site.
  • 拔牙前: We will first cleanse and prepare the area to reduce any risk of infection. We then numb the area to ensure a more comfortable experience. The numbing agent can take 10 – 30 minutes to take full effect.

手术后, 你可能会感到轻微的不适, 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网部位红肿. 这些症状通常在几天内就会消退, and you can return to your normal activities within a week. Our team will ensure the treated area is safely covered before you leave our office.

The healing process after mole removal varies depending on the size and location of the mole along with the specific technique used to remove it. In general, most patients can expect to see significant improvement within a week of the procedure, with full healing taking several weeks to one month.

在愈合过程中, it is important to keep the treatment site clean and dry and to avoid exposing it to sunlight or other sources of UV radiation. Stacie will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your skin and reduce the risk of complications.

At Donaldson, We Understand That The Little Things Matter

如果你正在考虑去除痣, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Stacie Isler — Columbus, 俄亥俄州的痣去除和皮赘去除专家. We are committed to providing you with the highest level of care and helping you achieve the healthy, 你值得拥有美丽的肌肤!


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